There is an increasing awareness of the benefits to be derived from the development and exploitation of smart materials and structures in applications ranging from hydrospace to aerospace. With the ability to respond autonomously to changes in their environment, smart systems can offer a simplified approach to the control of various material and system characteristics such as light transmission, viscosity, strain, noise and vibration etc. depending on the smart materials used [1]. There are a number of materials that act as both sensors and actuators that can monitor and respond to their environment.
Smart Material Seminar Report
Page Length : 20
Content :
- Introduction
- Background
- What Is Smart Material
- Types Of Smart Material
- Characteristics And Application Of Smart Material
- Economical Outlook
- Conclusion
- References
Smart Material Presentation Report (PPT)
Page Length : 12
Content :
- Introduction
- Operation principle
- Types of SMA
- Economical Outlook
- Applications
- References
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