Name of Hand Note :- General Provisions and Buildings
Page Length :- 08
- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
- ‘access’ means the way to a plot or building;
- `accessory building’ means a building attached or detached to a building in a plot, and containing one or more accessory uses;
- `accessory use’ means any use of the premises, subordinate to the principal use and customarily incidental to the principal use;
- `Act’ means the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (Act 13 of 1994);
- `advertising sign’ means any sign either free, supported or attached to a building or other structure which advertises an individual, a firm, a society, an establishment or a product displayed on the said premises for identification purposes;
- `alteration’ means a structural change, such as an addition to the area or height, or addition of floor/floors or mezzanine floor within any existing floor height, or change of existing floor or change of roof to concrete slab or re-construction of existing walls or construction of concrete beams and columns amounting to structural change, or construction of internal walls for sub-dividing the existing rooms with the intention of changing the use of the room/ rooms which amount to change in the occupancy group of the building under these rules, or closing of any required means of ingress or egress to the building ;
- `apartment ‘ means a part of a building intended for any type of independent use including one or more rooms or enclosed spaces located on one or more floors or parts thereof in a building, intended to be used for residential purposes and with a direct exit to a public street, road or highway or to a common area, leading to such street, road or highway. This word is synonymous with residential flat;
- `appendix’ means the appendix to these rules; (i) ‘approved plan’ means the set of drawings and statements submitted under these rules for obtaining development permit or building permit duly approved by the Secretary;
- ‘balcony’ means a horizontal projection, including a handrail, or balustrade to serve as passage or sitting out place;
- `basement floor’ means the lower storey of a building below or partly below the ground floor. This word is synonymous with cellar;
- `bathroom’ means a room or cubicle for bathing;
- ‘building’ includes any structure for whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever material constructed and every part thereof whether used for human habitation or not and includes foundations, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building services, verandah, balcony, cornice or projections, part of a building, wells or anything affixed there to or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land or space and signs and outdoor display structures;
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