A smart card, a type of chip card is a plastic card embedded with a computer chip that stores and transacts data between users. The card data is transferred via a reader that is part of a computing system. Smart card-enhanced security systems are in use today throughout several key applications, including healthcare, banking, entertainment and transportation.
To various degrees, all applications can benefit from the added features and security that smart cards provide. According to Dataquest, the worldwide smart card market will grow to 6.8 Billion units and $11 Billion by 2006.
Smart Card Seminar Report
Page Length : 21
Content :
- Introduction
- Definition
- History
- Classification Of Smart Cards
- Relation Between SIM Card And Smart Card
- Application Of Smart Card
- Advantages Of Smart Card
- Disadvantages Of Smart Card
- Conclusion
- References
Smart Card Presentation Report (PPT)
Page Length : 33
Content :
- Introduction
- History
- What is a Smart Card?
- Construction of Smart Cards
- Examples of Smart Cards
- Application
- Types of Smart Cards
- Parts of Smart Cards
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- conclusion
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