
Design For Manufacturing Lecture Note

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Name of Notes : – Design For Manufacturing Lecture Note


Design for Manufacturing or Design for Manufacturability (DFM) is the optimization of a part, product, or component’s design, to create it cheaper and more easily. DFM involves efficiently designing or engineering an object, generally during the product design stage, when it is easier and less expensive to do so, to reduce manufacturing costs. This allows a manufacturer to identify and prevent mistakes or discrepancies.

Principles of DFM

DFM occurs early in product development, before tooling and the assembly process, when the product is being designed. Doing so will make manufacture less time-consuming, which will reduce cost and increase ease of manufacturing. The exact process of DFM will depend on what product is being designed and produced. General principles of DFM include designing objects for efficient assembly, the standardization of materials and components, reducing the number of parts, and minimizing the amount of manufacturing operations required on parts during assembly. Other basics of effective DFM include standardization of parts to save on part cost, design simplicity, which may reduce the complication or number of parts required, and setup time reduction.

What is Meant by Design for Manufacture?

Often, when this phrase is used it is referring to Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA), a more holistic term for an engineering methodology that intends to optimize time-to-market and limit manufacturing process production costs during early design phases. However, previously, this referred to two distinct practices, DFM and Design for Assembly (DFA). Design for Assembly prioritizes the ease of the process of assembling an object, and is concerned with reducing the cost of the assembly process, whereas DFM has a wider focus on concepts such as the parts’ design, and so is able to also reduce the manufacturing cost of the parts themselves.

Why is Design for Manufacturing Important?

For any business looking to make money and create products that are profitable, DFM is vital for efficiency, speed, and high rates of production. It is thought that approximately 70% of the manufacturing costs of a product derive from design decisions made in the early design stages, such as materials used or method of manufacturing. DFM therefore has great cost-reduction capabilities. A focus on the design stage, available through DFM, would significantly reduce the final production cost. It can also enable the identification, quantification and elimination of waste or inefficiencies at various points throughout the manufacture and production process. It may additionally be used as a method of benchmarking and, in doing so, a company can assess the products of competitors.


Modules / Lectures

  • Module 1 : Introduction
  • Module 2 : Selection of Materials and Shapes
  • Module 3 : Selection of Manufacturing Processes
  • Module 4 : Design for Assembly
  • Module 5 : Design for Reliability and Quality