The MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) transistor is a semiconductor device which is widely used for switching and amplifying electronic signals in the electronic devices. The MOSFET is a core of integrated circuit and it can be designed and fabricated in a single chip because of these very small sizes. The MOSFET is a four terminal device with source(S), gate (G), drain (D) and body (B) terminals. The body of the MOSFET is frequently connected to the source terminal so making it a three terminal device like field effect transistor. The MOSFET is very far the most common transistor and can be used in both analog and digital circuits.
MOSFET Seminar Report
Page Length : 19
Content :
- Introduction
- The MOSFET Can Be Function In Two Ways
- Working Principle Of MOSFET:
- P-Channel MOSFET:
- N- Channel MOSFET:
- For Example Using The MOSFET As A Switch:
- Important MOSFET Parameters
- Advancements Of The MOSFET
- Limitations Of The MOSFET
- References
MOSFET Presentation Report (PPT)
Page Length : 23
Content :
- Introduction
- MOSFET Circuit & symbol
- Working principle
- N & P channel of MOSFET
- MOS Transistor symbol
- Applications
- Advancements and Limitations of the MOSFET
- References
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