
Portfolio Management and Mutual Fund Analysis



Portfolio Management and Mutual Fund Analysis (Final Project Report)

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Page Length : 58

Executive Summary  

The project on    “portfolio management and mutual fund analysis” was carried out in IDBI bank F.C Road Branch. The intention behind taking over this project with IDBI bank was to primarily understand the role of banks in providing investment solutions and advices to its customers. The project was carried out for the period of two months i.e. from June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2013. The project was done by analyzing the different investment options available and to compare them with the mutual fund investments. For the purpose of analyzing the investment pattern and selecting effective and beneficial schemes of mutual funds different available schemes were thoroughly *analyzed and then a ideal portfolio of those investment options available was made. Finally the ideal portfolio was created to understand the importance of portfolio management and to ease the selection of different mutual fund schemes and the weight age to be given to them.


1. Company’s Profile 6
2. Objective 7
3. Theoretical background 7
4. Portfolio management 10
5. History of mutual fund 12
6. Mutual fund 20
7. Measures of risk 22
8. Research Methodology 26
9. Data analysis 35
10. Findings 37
11. Limitations 38
12. Conclusion 39
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