
Research Project Report on Benefits Provided by Indian Oil



Research Project Report on Benefits Provided by Indian Oil (Final Project Report)

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Page Length : 45


Scope of the Project:

“Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees & by the employers. Through such generous fringe benefits the employer makes life worth living for employees.”

Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families.

Employee welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries.

The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows:

  • They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment
  • Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers’ families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity.
  • Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation.
  • Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace.
  • The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the welfare policies.


Ch. No    Topic Page No
A   About College
B   Abstract
C   Vision With Values
D Executive Summary
E   Research Methodology
1   Introduction
  1.1 Voluntary Retirement Scheme 15
  1.2 Ex-gratia scheme 19
  1.3 Medical facilities provided at Indian Oil 22
  1.4 Dental Treatment 26
  1.5 Employees Superannuation Benefit Fund Scheme 28
  1.6 Post- Retirement Medical Expenses Claims 34
  1.7 Car Loan for Employees 35
  1.8 Desktop / Notebook PC loan 36
  1.9 Furniture Loan 36
  1.10 Leave Rules at Indian Oil 37
2   Forms for Various Schemes 41
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