
System Analysis and Design Lecture Note

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Name of Notes : – System Analysis and Design Lecture Note


The growth of Software Engineering methodologies started during the year 1950 to 1960. The new technologies and practices which were developed after 1970 -1990 were primarily focused on solving the software issues like software crisis [3]. The major elements used were software tools, formal methods, well defined processes that uses the methodologies like OOP, CASE tools and Structured Programming approaches.
The researchers argued that the software crisis was due to the lack of discipline of programmers and Some believed that if formal engineering methodologies would be applied to software development, then production of software would become as predictable an industry as other branches of engineering and they advocated proving all programs correct using models such as the Capability Maturity Model [4].
In 1986, No Silver Bullet article was published by Fred Brooks which described that no individual technology or practice would ever make a 10 fold improvement in productivity of software within 10 years.
So they realized the need for developing the software in a structured manner. However, it could also be said that there are, in fact, a range of silver bullets today, including spreadsheet calculators, lightweight methodologies, in-site search engines, customized browsers, integrated design-test coding-editors, database report generators and each issue in software is related with only a small portion of the entire problem which makes the software engineering approaches too complex for finding complete solution to all problems [5,6].

Modules / Lectures

  • Data and Information
  • Systems Analysis and Design Life Cycle
  • Information gathering
  • Feasibility analysis
  • Data Flow Diagrams
  • Process Specification
  • Data input methods
  • Logical Database Design
  • Object oriented systems modeling
  • Designing outputs
  • Document on Web
  • Control ? audit and security of information systems
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Case Tools