
The Impact of ATM



The Impact of ATM (Final Project Report)

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Page Length : 67

Executive Summary  

Globalization and modernization are the catch words of the day. Life style of the people is also upgraded by means of technology – driven conveniences and available to them. Today bank have become a part and parcel of our life. There was a time when the dwellers of city could enjoy their services. Now banks offer access to even a common man and their activities extend to areas hitherto untouched. A part from the traditional business extended function, they have now come out to fulfill national responsibilities. Banks cater to the needs of agriculturists, industrialists and traders and to all the other section of the society. Thus they accelerate the economic growth of a country and steer the wheel of the economy towards its goal of ‘self reliance in all fields’. It naturally arouses our interest in knowing more about the banks and various men and activities connected with it.

In the modern world of today, banking plays an important role. It also performs wide variety of functions apart from the traditional method of just accepting deposits and providing loans to the modern method of rendering high quality products and services. This is because of the cutthroat competition they have to face these days. There are tremendous changes occurred in the field of banking such as various type of loan schemes, introduction of ATM cum debit card, Mobile banking, Core banking etc…. ATM plays a pivotal role in today’s living style.

The most visible and perhaps most revolutionary, elements of the virtual banking revolution is the cash machine or the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), as it is more popularly known. The use of ATMs has greatly changed the entire gamut of the way the banking and financial services are operated in the world. ATMs are known for their speed and convenience giving 24 hours access to bank customers to operate their bank account in the physical environment with the help of machines. ATM has given an edge to the banks and financial institution in efficiently carrying out their operations. ATMs provide the advantage of accessing the account of customer any time any where.

ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is considered to be most modern technique that helps in drawing cash. It is actually backed by State Bank Group, the largest bank group in India. They have started such facility so that the customer should be secure. Customer uses this facility with  a help of a card known as ATM card. ATM card is actually a plastic card with a magnetic strip on the reverse upper portion containing data for authorizing the transaction. The card can be utilized not only at ATM for withdrawal of cash but also at point of sale (POS) terminal for purchasing goods and services in India. Such card are issued to any individual account – single or joint account operated as either or survivor, former or survivor, latter or survivor, any one or survivor, pensioner or NRI account holder. Introduction of such facility has reduced the work load of both people as well as bank officers in many ways such as withdrawal of money can be made at any branch under the State Bank group, withdrawal of money can be done at any time and also at any where. With the use of this ATM card, people need not carry too much of money because there is easy accessibility of money and also less time taken.


  1. Introduction
    1. Relevance of the study
    2. Objectives of the study
    3. Statement of the problem
    4. Methodology
    5. Scope of the study
    6. Limitations
  2. Profile of the bank
    1. Origin of state bank of India
    2. Customer services
    3. Products and services
    4. Technology award
    5. Customer satisfaction
  3. Automated teller machines
    1. An overview
      1. History of ATM
      2. Features of ATM
      3. ATM function
      4. ATM machine
      5. ATM cards
      6. Safety tips for automated teller machine use:-
      7. Benefits of ATM
      8. Transactions that can be performed using on ATM card
    2. Parts of an ATM
    3. Types of cards accepted by the ATM
    4. ATM technology
    5. ATM locators
    6. Terms and condition under which ATM card are issued
    7. Strategic importance of ATM
    8. International ATM
  4. Data analysis
  5. Summary of findings and suggestions
  6. Suggestions
  7. Conclusion
  8. Bibliography
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