
Working Capital Management at Tinplate Company of India Limited



Working Capital Management at Tinplate Company of India Limited (Final Project Report)

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The project proposed is to study the Working Capital Management at Tinplate Company of India Limited standalone. With an aim to learn how TCIL manage his working capital. How they arrange capital for day to day operation. How much working capital required for production. Major part of working capital requirement companies get from bank, so bank have to follow certain norms in granting working capital finance to companies. The norms of working capital financing followed by bank since mid-70s. And these norms are made by some committee recommendation to strength the procedures for working capital finance by banks. Some of major committees are Daheija, Tandon, Chore committee. Project contains the credit policy of TCIL and inventory management system taken by the company. The study is also covers how much working capital demand affect the operation and are they facing time lag to get funds.

Research Methodology Adopted

The basic type of research used to prepare this project is descriptive. The study is mainly based on secondary data which are already collected and available. These include internal sources within the company and external sources like books and periodically published annual report of TCIL. Interaction with various employees of costing department had a major source of information. The study is limited to five financial year i.e. from 2011-2016. The data used in this study has taken from the financial statement and their related schedules of TCIL Jamshedpur. Calculation of various ratios related to working capital (like current, quick, debtor turnover, creditor turnover, cost sheet and net operating cycle) has done in this report to know the liquidity position of the company and cash conversion cycle. Working capital requirement of TCIL for next three year also projected in this report. Estimation of working capital for next three year is done through CAGR method and also taken care of external factors (like; expansion plan of TCIL, raw material availability and market study of steel sector).

Major Findings

These are some major finding i got to know during the study of working capital management at Tata steel.

  1. TCIL takes working capital loan/cash credit from SBI, Union Bank of India, HSBC, and HDFC and term loan from IDBI Bank Ltd, Union Bank of India, Allahabad Bank, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of
  2. TCIL uses Cash-Credit/Working Capital Term Loans facility and prefers it over short- term Cash-Credit Account is a primary method in which Banks lend money against the security of commodities and debt. In TCIL, cash credit is secured by hypothecation of Raw Materials, Finished Goods, W.I.P, General stores and Book Debts.
  3. Bank follows certain norms while funding companies for working And these norms are made by committee recommendation. There are several committee report (Tandon Committee, Daheija Committee, Chore Committee) and companies are supposed to follow one of the committee report.
  4. TCIL purchase some part of raw material from credit basis and remaining part from cash basis and they follow 45 Days creditor But some time it’s varying creditor to creditor. Again for debtor its vary debtor to debtor. The minimum time period is allowed by TCIL to its debtor is 30 Days.
  5. TCIL do not use EOQ method for ordering raw EOQ i.e. economic order quantity is not done by the management. It is a very important part of inventory which is ignored. EOQ can give the company adequate or optimum level of inventory.
  6. Company’s operating cycle/cash conversion cycle is It shows the credibility of company. Company has a good relationship with its creditors so, that they give a huge time period to TCIL for paying them.


Working capital is a vital part for keep running the production. And it’s important for all manufacturing companies. And a company should maintain positive working capital, so that will be able to pay off its current liabilities at any time. Last four year TCIL does not maintain idle ratio because the lots of loan but this year TCIL maintaining an idle ratio of working capital. Because they pay the entire loan and the reducing raw material price. TCIL cash conversion cycle is only 26 days, which is very less as compared to its competitor.


  1. Executive Summary
    1. Introduction
    2. Research Methodology
    3. Major Findings
    4. Conclusion
  2. Steel Industry
    1. Introduction
    2. Market size
    3. Growth
  3. Tinplate Company of India Ltd
    1. Company Profile
    2. Company Overview
    3. Introduction
    4. Global Tinplate Business
    5. Indian Tinplate Industry
    6. Consumer Awareness
    7. SWOT analysis
    8. Tinplate Products
    9. TCIL’s process flow
    10. Manufacturing Process
    11. Stages of Production
    12. Awards/Recognition for TCIL
    13. Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals of TCIL
    14. TCIL’s Management Profile
    15. Share Holding Pattern in TCIL
  4. Literature Review
  5. Working Capital
    1. Working Capital Financing Policy
    2. Sources of Working Capital
    3. Net working Capital…
    4. Operating Cycle concept
  6. Research Methodology
    1. Research design
    2. Tools and Techniques of Data Collection
    3. Limitation of the study
  7. Data Analysis
    1. Liquidity Measurement Ratios
      1. Working Capital Turnover Ratio
      2. Current Ratio
      3. Quick Ratio
      4. Stock turnover Ratio
    2. Debts Ratio…
      1. Debtors Turnover Ratio
      2. Debtor Collection Period
      3. Debt-Equity Ratio
    3. Creditor Turnover Ratio
      1. Creditor Turnover Ratio
      2. Payables Outstanding Turnover Ratio
      3. Creditor Payables Period
    4. Operating Performance Ratios
      1. Total Asset Turnover Ratio
      2. Inventory Turnover Ratio
      3. Inventory Turnover Days
    5. Profitability Indicator ratios
      1. Operating Profit Margin
      2. Net Profit Margin Ratio
      3. Return on Assets (ROA)
      4. Return on Equity (ROE)
      5. Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
    6. Investment Valuation Ratio
      1. Earnings per Share
      2. EPS vs. ROE
    7. Net Operating Cycle
    8. Cost Sheet of TCIL
  8. Cash Management
    1. Introduction
    2. Cash flow planning
    3. Motivation for Holding Cash
    4. Cash Management Problems
    5. Cash Management and Working Capital
    6. Cash Ratios
      1. Cash Holding
  9. Forecasting
    1. Sales Growth
    2. Operational Cost
  10. Major Findings
  11. Conclusion & Recommendation
  12. References
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