Underfitting : Underfitting is opposite to overfitting hence it will not work on training as well as test dataas it has not understood well. This is similar to scenario where a student gives exam with less preparation. To remove underfittingwe should give more data to the model so that it can learn with deeper…
Category: CS & IT Engineering
Introduction To Naive Bayes Algorithm
Objective Naive Bayes is a fast, easy to understand, and highly scalable algorithm. Understand the working of Naive Bayes, its types, and use cases. Introduction Naive Bayes is one the most popular and beginner-friendly algorithms that anyone can use. In this article, we are going to explore the Naive Bayes…
Beginner at Kaggle
Hi Everyone, I, like most, am a Kaggle complete novice. It’s the best place to learn and develop your Data Science and Machine Learning skills through hands-on projects. Best Features of Kaggle are:- Machine Learning Competitions: This is why Kaggle is so popular. Look for problems that concern you and…
How do you compare two lists in Python?
Lists are analogous to dynamically scaled arrays, and are declared in other languages (e.g., vector in C++ and Array List in Java). Lists do not have to be homogeneous all of the time, which makes it a very strong tool in Python. Data Types such as Integers, Strings, and Objects…
Is copy.copy() is different from assignment in python?
Assignment statements in Python do not copy objects, they create bindings between a target and an object. When we use the = operator, the user can assume that we are creating a new object; however, this is not the case. It only creates a new variable which shares the original…